Sunday, April 02, 2006

Trinity and the Godhead

I struggle when people say that the LDS view of the Godhead is true because it is more comprehensible than the idea of the trinity. That is not why it is true. If it is true, then it is true simply because that’s how it is.

I am grateful that it is comprehensible (at least in part) to me, but that is not why it is true. Whether something is currently comprehensible to me (or to the general public) is not the test of something’s validity. However, I do believe that all truth will eventually be made comprehensible – but only when (and if) we become the kind of beings that can comprehend them.

Is he any less of a God when he is incomprehensible to me? Of course not – He is what he is, the truth is the truth – surely there are other truths beyond my comprehension. I cannot comprehend the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This does not make it any less true.

Is he any less of a God when he is comprehensible? Is he any less of a God because he was once a man? I look at the condescension of the Savior – to descend “below them all”. Surely everything in the scripture, everything that the Savior taught, is that we can do as he does, we can become as he is, and we can go where he goes – not because we make ourselves worthy to follow him, but because we trust in his promises, and he leads us there.


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